Probono News
ProBono Music Publishing
deals with the A&R development of ProBono artists as well as all licensing and royalty matters relating to their songs. For a list of the catalogue and to sample songs available for licensing email
Watch this space for exclusive WRITING SESSIONS from ProBono Music Archives coming soon!
ProBono Music Publishing (PMP) signs singer/songwriter Nessa
 "Nessa writes from that place we all live".
Probono Music Publishing kicks off with the signing of Nessa Morgan's catalogue of over 160 songs including songs from "Sex & Poverty", the debut album produced by Don Was.
Songs are available for licensing and can be sampled HERE
or  by email request to
Nessa   has already had Top 5 Chart success in France with  popstar Francois hit, "Envie Mi Amor".
The original song, "Take That" is available for licensing and can be sampled here:

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